Vaga para Motorista

Consulting WordPress Theme is always looking for talented people to become its team members. We realize that productive people are always a good addition to our organization. So if you have the financial acumen and the passion to work with some of the biggest companies in the world, join in!

Departamento: Transporte Terrestre
Localização(ões) do Projeto: Cidade de Maputo
Formação: 12a Classe
Compensação: 10 por ano


Candidates can look forward to regular client contact, a role in business development and proposal writing/methodology creation, and a

  • Assisting senior consultants;
  • Providing legal and scholarly research;
  • Creating reports & Gathering Data
  • Analyzing Data and understanding results
  • Arranging client coordination


  • Limited experience at consultancy preferred;
  • Great interpersonal communication skills;
  • Keen eye for spotting data trends;
  • Great analytical skills;
  • A keen grasp of information technology;
  • Professional demeanor;
  • Personal accountability and strong work ethic;
  • Professional, able to interact with vendors/clients;
  • Positive, “can do” attitude.

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O Portador Dário é uma grande empresa no que concerne no transporte de carga. A nossa equipa e colaboradores estão satifisfeitos com os serviços prestados, é uma grande vantagem usar o Portador Diário.

Orlando Mazuze
Director Geral, MaCh Digital

Deseja contratar os nossos serviços, envie-nos uma mensagem e receba cotação sem sair de casa.
